Strengthen Your Leadership Influence

Strengthen your Leadership Influence Through an Understanding of the Brain
with Dr Judi Newman

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There is only limited learning and behaviour change without neuroplastic changes in the brain. Learn what it means to change thinking for collective new habits. Explore what it takes to be a master communicator and agent of change through learning conversations and the 12 attributes of inspirational leadership.


  • A principal can’t lead alone so how do you grow other leaders around you to strengthen leadership impact. Explore ways to build the confidence and capacity of others.
  • The size of your neocortex is directly linked to how many quality relationships you can sustain. Learn why trust and communication declines when your team grows larger.
  • Middle leaders are plunged into a leadership role from the classroom. How can you ensure you are developing more strategic leaders rather than relying on accidental managers?
  • Every brain is wired differently form a combination of traits and experiences. This make bringing people together towards a united purpose challenging. Explore ways to unite and excite the tribe.
  • The brain can’t separate emotion from cognition so decision making is a tricky business. Explore ways to mitigate cognitive bias for rational decision making.
  • Leadership is such a privilege and has its rewards but it can be a stressful experience at times. Learn ways to destress and change your brain state at critical times.
  • Feedback is a gift and an essential conversation in leadership. However, the brain is hard wired to detect threat so learn how to have a hard conversation but keep the relationship in-tact.
  • The dark triad traits can often turn up in leadership and embody many traits associated with a typical leader such as charisma, strength, energy and self-confidence. Learn what happens when you lead with a big stick and why you shouldn’t.


  • Explore the layers of strategic leadership to scale up your influence.
  • Use evidence based frameworks rather than shoot from the hip.
  • Differentiate your leadership approach to manage, mentor and coach.
  • Use more powerful words to influence the outcome.
  • Practice a number of learning conversations to suit each context.
  • Discuss ways to share your leadership and allow others to authentically lead.
  • Study human motivation to build your skill at reading and managing people.


  • Take away a Leadership Attribute Profile of your own strengths and gaps
  • Deeper understanding of your own leadership style and behaviours
  • Brain based personality profile
  • Networking across systems and schools
  • Professional readings
  • Optional showbag of coaching cards, book and set of postcards, USB with readings
  • Toolkit of research frameworks
  • Leadership development and self-awareness building
  • Practice applying leadership learnings in a safe environment through a leadership challenge in your workplace
  • Wellness plan
  • Optional one to one debrief with a professional coach
  • Deeper understanding of your brain so you can more easily choose more influential actions that align with how your brain operates, for higher impact
Dropdown Tiles



Understanding the importance of trust, rapport and communication in leadership

What happens in the brain when we interact

Why do we easily get defensive and critical

Unpack the 12 Leadership Attributes for growth

The 10 triggers of human motivation

Values, goals and beliefs

Brain based personality profiling to identify traits

The Dark Triad: Identifying psychopath, narcissist, Machiavellian traits in leadership

Wellness and the brain



How do you get others to be accountable?

Understanding the difference between the strategic leadership work and the operational management work

Decision making and cognitive bias

How do you unite a team to step up their strategic leadership

Professional behaviour standards


Blockers to team performance

Time management

Visionary change leadership



Learning conversations:

  • The hard conversation
  • Debriefing after an event
  • Conflict coaching
  • Coaching for performance
  • Providing feedback

Differentiating your leadership approach to manage, mentor and coach

Prime conversational chemistry

Motivational response model

Communication and the brain