Leading Early Years for the Future

We come to you

We can deliver a customised version of this program to meet your needs.

The ACELearn Leading Early Years for the Future is a new program that focuses on the crucial role of early childhood pedagogical leadership and how this can be enacted in school settings.

This program addresses and supports an underserved area in leadership development and we are delighted to provide this professional development opportunity for early childhood leaders and school principals in partnership with The Learning Future.

The presence of effective early childhood pedagogical leadership in schools enhances the quality of pedagogical practice in the early years, enabling our youngest children to thrive holistically. This middle leadership role supports school executive teams and early years educators.

However, research has found early childhood leadership is not well understood in primary schools, and few settings have a leadership role dedicated to enhancing the early years. This professional learning will focus on the crucial role of early childhood pedagogical leadership and how this might be effectively enacted in school settings.

With a focus on building leadership capacity, the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) in partnership with The Learning Future (TLF) presents a hybrid professional development program designed to bring clarity and intentionality to the role of early childhood leadership in schools.

Leading Early Years for the Future: a program for enhancing the early years through intentional leadership.

Are you curious to know:

  • How to set children up for success right from the earliest years?
  • Where and how you can tap into early childhood expertise to help guide school planning and decision making?
  • How to enable educators and children in the early years to thrive?
  • What the future of education might hold and how we craft a clear vision for our setting?

Then this program is for you!

Based on the first early childhood leadership framework for schools, Lead with Intention, this program enables:

  • Primary school leaders and early years leaders to understand the critical role of early childhood pedagogical leadership in enabling educators and young learners to thrive in the early years of school.
  • School leaders and early childhood leaders to collaboratively plan the roles and responsibilities of the early years leader to ensure they can be effective in their role.

BONUS: Every participating school will receive 2 copies of the Lead with Intention Framework as part of the program.

This is for:

  • School leaders
  • Early years leaders in schools
  • Aspiring early years leaders
Dropdown Tiles

Stage 1

Online session/webinar: for school leaders and early years leaders

In this session we cover:

  • What role does early years play in the school ecosystem?
  • What is the evidence base for early childhood pedagogical leadership in schools?

Stage 2

Designing the role - 1 day practical workshop for school leaders and early years leaders

In this session we:

  • We get clear on the role of early childhood pedagogical leadership in your school.
  • We design the responsibilities and tasks of the early childhood pedagogical leader.
  • We plan the structures that will support the early childhood pedagogical leader to be effective in their role.

Stage 3

Enacting the role - 1 day workshop for early years leaders

In this session we:

  • Dive into 'leading' yourself, the most important part of leadership.
  • Unpack how to lead a team through culture and collaboration.