The School Leadership Juggle

The School Leadership Juggle
Title: The School Leadership Juggle: Balancing Primary School Education While Navigating Real-World Challenges

Author: Andrew Oberthur

Year: 2024

Publisher: Amba Press

In The School Leadership Juggle, Andrew Oberthur offers a lifeline to primary school leaders grappling with the intricate balancing act of modern education. With comprehensive understanding of this demanding and multifaceted profession, he provides practical tools and strategies for success.

This book will be a beacon of hope for anyone navigating the challenging and rewarding journey of primary school leadership. You will discover evidence-based techniques for curriculum design, classroom management and more, and learn how to use self-care and collaboration to combat the emotional toll of being both an educator and a leader.

Industry Reviews
There are plenty of voices these days telling principals how to do their work. Part of the problem is they come from those who have never done it. Andrew Oberthur is definitely not one of these. Years of practice, deep reflection, and commitment to the joy of leading communities of learning energises his writing. It's not starry-eyed, though, and he broaches the challenges and rewards of school leadership. Find a comfy chair ... you'll enjoy the read.
Dr Paul Kidson, Senior Lecturer in Educational Leadership. Australian Catholic University

Andrew paints a realistic picture of the scope and challenges for schoolbased leadership teams. At the same he offers clear sound advice and direction for those who are, or aspiring to be, leaders.
Phil McGreevy. Staff Instructional Coach

I found reading this book very useful in better understanding the work undertaken by school leadership and teachers. I would recommend this book to all those seeking a deeper understanding of how a school operates, the challenges facing school leadership and teachers and potential solutions for those challenges.
Alanna Bolger, Parent

Andrew has given us an unflinching look at the challenges faced by teachers and school leaders in today's educational system. He states the obvious: 'The current model is NOT realistic and NOT sustainable' and he offers honest, practical solutions for each challenge. While some of these solutions can only be provided by outside authorities (for example, funding to hire more teachers and other personnel and raising teacher pay), other solutions are within the control of school leaders. Andrew asks the tough questions and doesn't shy away from offering bold solutions. We need more books like this one!
Willy Wood, Educational Consultant, USA

Code: AP9781923116252
ISBN: 9781923116252
Number of Pages: 180
Published on: 31 January 2024
Amba Press
Discounted member price: 34.95
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