Mentoring for Talent

Mentoring for Talent
Title: Mentoring for Talent: A Practical Guide for Schools

Author: Mark Smith

Year: 2024

Publisher: Amba Press

From unlocking the untapped potential of gifted students to revolutionising school cultures, this book is a roadmap for educators and leaders alike. Discover tried-and-true mentoring methods that propel students to unprecedented heights, whether it's excelling in their final years of schooling or mastering the art of inquiry-based learning.

Through the lens of mentorship, explore innovative strategies that not only foster academic excellence but also nurture personal growth and community empowerment. Whether you're a seasoned educator or a school leader seeking to inspire change, Mentoring for Talent offers practical insights and creative solutions to elevate your teacher practice and transform the educational landscape.

Code: AP9781923116764
ISBN: 9781923116764
Published date: 31 July 2024
Number of Pages: 166
Amba Press
Discounted member price: 34.95
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