The Dance of Differentiation

The Dance of Differentiation
Title: The Dance of Differentiation: Choreographing Inclusive Learning in Schools

Author: Dr Tom Porta

Year: 2024

Publisher: Amba Press

Dive into the intricacies of differentiation with this comprehensive handbook designed for school educators. With candid reflections on the challenges and triumphs of implementing differentiation, the author shares invaluable insights and practical strategies to make inclusive education a reality in your classroom.

From debunking myths to embracing a transformative philosophy of teaching, this book empowers educators to tailor learning experiences that meet the diverse needs of every student. Whether you're a novice seeking guidance or a seasoned educator looking to refine your practice, Dr Tom Porta offers a roadmap to navigate the dance of differentiation with confidence and purpose.

Code: AP9781923116337
ISBN: 9781923116337
Release Date: May, 8 2024
Amba Press
Discounted member price: 34.95
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