Team Up Speak Up Fire Up

Team Up Speak Up Fire Up
Team Up, Speak Up, Fire Up! Educators, Students, and the Community Working Together to Support English Learners

Audrey Cohan, Andrea Honingsfeld, Maria G Dove

Cohan, Honigsfeld and Dove bring together current research, authentic examples of best practices and voices from the field to champion the power of purposeful collaboration and provide educators with resources that will empower them to support English learners (ELs) and their families. Guided by four core principles – common purpose, shared mindset, diverse team membership and supportive environment – the authors explain how to meet the challenges of collaborating with ELs and help all stakeholders – administrators, teachers, students, parents and community leaders – develop new and effective ways of working together for the success of each learner.

184 Pages | Pbk | Published March 2020
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