This year with the SA Department for Education as our conference partner, and Adelaide as our host city, we will take the celebration and learning from last year’s 50th anniversary conference and take us further as we engage in Reimagining Education: A future beyond boundaries.

ACEL is pleased to open its call for papers for the 2024 ACEL national conference. We are committed to delivering an exceptional experience that promises to be intellectually stimulating, immersive, and thought-provoking.

At our upcoming conference, we're excited to explore a range of sub-themes that allow us to reimagine and consider a future without boundaries. Join us as we delve into these important topics and engage in meaningful discussions that will help us shape the future of education and leadership:

Reimagining educational leadership
Reimagining schooling
Reimagining our profession
Reimagining our future/planet.

We invite interested individuals, pairs, or small groups, to submit an abstract to present a concurrent session at the ACEL National Conference 2024. Please apply using the online submission form below.

Presentations will address research, policy and practice from an organisation, system, school, classroom or stakeholder perspective.

What You'll Need


  • All presenters – position, contact details and a brief bio (up to 100 words), LinkedIn profile (if available)
  • Details of two previous presentations
  • Details of any previous ACEL presentations (if applicable)
  • Contact details of two referees.
  • Presentation Type:

  • Workshop (40 minutes + 10 mins Q&A)
  • Presentation (40 minutes + 10 mins Q&A)
  • Can be presented by individuals, pairs or trios.
  • Please note that theatre style seating is most likely to be required in order to accommodate participants.
  • Abstract / Requirements:

  • Please indicate within the body of the abstract how the presentation or workshop will engage the development, understanding and discourse around your topic. The purpose of the presentations is to draw on evidence of impact and to share key elements that can foster improvement and change in educational settings. (Maximum of 160 words).
  • Identify how you will engage the audience.
  • Please note that sales of books or programs as part of a presentation or workshop is not permitted.
  • There will be a data projector, laptop and lectern with a microphone in each room. Extra technology can be arranged at presenters’ costs. Please specify any other additional equipment needs.

    We are pleased to offer discounted registration to the conference to successful applicants as follows:

    National conference presenter rates (GST inc):

  • ACEL member $330 per day or $790 for 3 days
  • Non-member $380 per day or $905 for 3 days.
  • Presenters are responsible for their own travel/accommodation costs.

    Submissions close at 5:00pm on Monday 17 June 2024.

    Fill out the online form.