Lisa Newland

Lisa holds 30+ years’ experience in education as a teacher and leader. Having filled various strategic roles in Education Queensland, her collaboration with various educational entities has enabled the creation of tailored strategies that address the unique challenges faced by schools. By spearheading the development and delivery of programs for Middle and Deputy Principals, Teacher Leaders, and Aspiring Leaders, Lisa currently fosters leadership skills that are crucial for school advancement. Moreover, her focus on cultivating Collective Efficacy through programs like ‘High Impact Teaching Teams: Building Trust and Psychological Safety’, ‘Dynamic Teacher Rounds’ and nurturing a ‘Positive School Culture’, continues to support schools in creating an environment where educators can thrive, and students can excel. Lisa's multifaceted approach supports current educational leaders whilst also preparing the next generation for the challenges of tomorrow's educational landscape.

By utilising cultural maturity models, Lisa works with schools to pinpoint their current cultural evolution and identify areas for growth, then develops custom leadership programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each school or organisation. Lisa oversees the integration of psychological principles and neuroscience in programs to ensure that participants gain a deeper understanding of leadership dynamics, personal well-being, resilience, and the development of grit. Her holistic approach not only equips leaders with the necessary relational, operational, and systemic skill but also works to foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence across a broad range of educational settings.

Designing Professional Learning for Impact- Individually, collectively, and systemically

The ACELearn team work alongside school leaders and educators, not just within schools, but across clusters and systems. We support leaders and teachers through the design and implementation of targeted professional learning for maximum impact across school priority areas.

Insights from our experience have informed professional learning designs such as the ACELearn Co-Labs which provide school leaders with an aligned strategy for multiple cohorts within their schools. From Beginning to Experienced teachers, to Aspiring, Middle and Executive leaders, the ACELearn Co-Lab promotes bespoke professional learning solutions to suit particular contexts.

To significantly impact the outcomes of students, attention has been focussed on building collective efficacy and improved teacher agency, promoting intentional collaboration through designs such as Dynamic Teacher Rounds. Lisa, from the ACELearn team, will elaborate on the designs that are resonating with schools, clusters, and systems to positively impact all stakeholders by improving cultures and enhancing the individual capabilities of their people.