Leaders of Learning are brain changers
Reshape your school from the brain up

Want to learn evidence based practical strategies to improve student thinking? What to know how to change thinking for improved collective team habits?

Without neuroplastic changes in the brain there is limited learning or behaviour change, reducing the likelihood of establishing improved collective habits. Sometimes there is a disconnect between what applied neuroscience shows and what we do as leaders and teachers. Explore the research and practical strategies to close the gab through the science of learning.

Join Dr Judi Newman to explore the essential toolkit for teachers and school leaders to lead learning for consistent shared practice across classrooms and high performance learning cultures. You will explore the triggers to human motivation and the 8 steps to engage the learner. Discuss the most effective teaching methodologies to enhance learning uptake

Judi Newman

Dr. Judi Newman, PhD is the Director of The Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia and is an expert in applied neuroscience, a field of study that takes the latest in social cognitive neuroscience research and applies it to leadership, motivation, learning and influence.  Her mission is to boost influence through strengthening leadership capacity and learning impact, through a neuroscience lens and sharing evidence-based practice. Specifically, her work is focussed on working with school principals and corporate leaders to establish brainwise schools or companies to build high performance teams who view themselves as leaders. Her unique approach, combining what we know from psychology, education and neuroscience can give your organisation the edge and is evident in her academic research and work background across these three areas. She is the only consultant in Australia that has a PhD in social applied neuroscience, is a former high school principal with over thirty years of experience in education, a masters in learning management, has worked as an executive leadership coach and additionally, has a psychology background. Judi has written four books and is currently writing a leadership book.