Dynamic Teacher Rounds

We come to you
We can deliver a customised version of this program to meet your needs.

Individual Schools can apply as well as Clusters or Regions and Diocese.

As a professional learning design, Dynamic Teacher Rounds can significantly impact the motivation, confidence and capability of teachers within a school or cluster. Building capability and implementing a robust collegial engagement process are key priorities for educators, but there can be limited success due to a number of factors. Dynamic Teacher Rounds follows an evidence-based change process by taking teachers through a series of workshops and observation protocols that build trust, critical and creative thinking to address a problem of practice, individual reflection, and a commitment to new learning strategies, all of which contribute to improved collective teacher efficacy.



Some professional learning designs do not have the flexibility to adjust to specific contexts and challenges. Dynamic Teacher Rounds can adjust to meet your people where they are at. Our process is designed to focus on teaching strategies and learning progress, while empowering teachers who take part and ensuring that only the highest levels of trust and psychological safety are provided. Only then can people authentically learn and take risks with their colleagues.

Common challenges are:

  • One-size-fits-all lesson observation programs
  • Low levels of trust between colleagues and school personnel
  • Low levels of motivation and confidence to try new strategies
  • Educators not addressing a data-informed problem of practice to improve outcomes
  • Collegial Engagement processes are compliance driven at best


  • Direct application to core business – teaching and learning
  • Focus on evidence-based strategies that work
  • High trust observation protocols
  • A Collegial Engagement process that is authentic and has impact that can be measured
  • In-depth analysis of teaching practices
  • Dynamic Teacher Rounds occur in the authentic context of teaching and learning

    DAYS 1 AND 2 include how to establish the necessary processes of Dynamic Teacher Rounds with high levels of trust and rigour.

    Included throughout the program is a focus on high impact instructional practices targeting the problem of practice identified at each school.

    Participants will learn:

    • Data analysis from macro to micro
    • Low inference observations
    • Instructional strategies to suit specific outcomes
    • Task quality predicts performance
    • Noticings and wonderings from lesson observations
    • Debriefing and professional discussion skills
    • Influencing others and sharing new learnings


    The Teacher Rounds are then facilitated on-site and can also occur across clusters if desired.