Building Thriving Teams


Non Member - $743
ACEL Member - $655

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Public Event

Melbourne - 15 November 2024

9.00am – 3.30pm


We come to you
We can deliver a customised version of this program to meet your needs.


Learn the science and the art of designing, leading and coaching thriving teams.

School leaders, individually and collectively, strive to improve education outcomes for their students in the face of an ever-changing context. Leading these improvements is a complex adaptive challenge that requires leadership teams that work together to lead change at multiple levels across the school. The complication is that most teams are not set up to enable the collaboration required to meet this challenge.


  • Most teams are team in name only and not set up for success
  • Over 60% of the success of a team is in the design
  • 80% of the variance in performance of teams can be accounted for by 6 conditions
  • It is the role of the leader to design these 6 conditions into the team work
  • There is a science and an art to designing high performing teams to put in place the 6 conditions


  • Learn the 6 conditions for high performing teams so you can effectively design, relaunch and coach your team to improved ‘ways of working’
  • Work with peers, using the framework to diagnose your team, its strengths and gaps
  • Build your skills in collaboration and dialogue through immersive, experiential learning approach that puts your school's leadership challenge at the core of the learning
  • Develop a pragmatic plan that you can take back to your team, setting the team up for superb collaboration.


  • Build high performing teams that can meet and exceed the expectations of your school community
  • Develop your team’s capability to continuously improve its teaming, enabling it to adapt to the changing context and challenges
  • Create a team culture where team members are building their leadership skills and truly thriving
  • Improve the psychological safety in your team, improving well-being and sustainable performance
  • Improve your team coaching skills to cascade the high performing teams approach to teams throughout the school.


Prework - complete a Leadership Team self-assessment protocol to ensure that the learning is context specific and the plan you develop in the workshop can be directly enacted post the session (60 mins)

Full day workshop

  1. Understand the 6 conditions of high performing teams in the context of school leadership teams
  2. Work in peer groups to elicit insights from data collected in the self-assessment pre-work
  3. Develop a compelling purpose for your leadership team
  4. Leverage skills and dispositions required to deliver on team purpose
  5. Develop norms of practice required for effective teaming
  6. Develop a plan to take the learning back to school
  7. Develop a community of practice to support on-going development