We come to you
We can deliver a customised version of this program to meet your needs.

ACELearn Co-labs involve educators from a number of schools working, learning, and growing together; collectively and professionally.

A key feature of ACELearn’s services are our ACELearn Co-labs. We can activate a variety of powerful professional learning designs specifically chosen as a springboard of choice for the participating school clusters. ACELearn will help in framing the learning opportunities and together, we craft the process, timeframes, and inclusions to meet your specific needs.

The focus of the designs is explicitly and deliberately on leadership and capability building. These powerful professional learning strategies may include leadership programs for specific cohorts, refinement of coaching and mentoring capabilities, building, and coaching cohesive teams, teacher leadership and dynamic teacher rounds.

With a clear and explicit agenda focused on measuring progress and impact across the cluster, as well as within individual schools, we propose utilising a variety of assessment instruments. The ACELearn Co-Lab will have access to the following tools:

  • Cultural Maturity Assessment
  • Leadership Teams Assessment
  • Genos Emotional Intelligence 360
  • LEADQ 360 (Leadership Efficacy and Development Quotient)
  • 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
  • Hogan Personality Assessment (recommended for Beginning and Early Career Teachers)
  • Pre, interim and post program evaluations, and diagnostics


Collegiality, teacher agency and data informed practices remain central to the ACELearn Co-Lab opportunities. We understand that flexibility of approach is critical when addressing the perceived and identified professional collective learning requirements of your school and can also strategically shape any program to respond to school data and systemic priorities.

The ACELearn Co-Lab offers a range of opportunities that clusters can tailor and evolve into their own distinctive programs. These are designed to align with the specific data of their cluster or individual school, as well as with overarching system-wide priorities.

Dropdown Tiles

Culture and Leadership

Creating a Positive School Culture

  • Increase staff and student engagement and move beyond compliance.
  • Drive a continuous improvement culture.

Building A Dynamic Leadership Team

  • Align your team to focus on how you collectively lead people, manage process and drive results.
  • Create a common language and known expectations of leader behaviour.

Middle and Deputy Leaders Program

  • Transformational leadership skills that build people and culture.
  • Authentic leadership processes and systems, highly effective communication, and conflict resolution skills.

Aspiring Leaders Program

  • Develop self-awareness and understand the impact behaviours have on others.
  • Build influencing skills and effective professional communication skills.


Skill Building

Difficult and Essential Conversations

  • Build the skill and will to have necessary conversations with colleagues.
  • Simple frameworks that involve questioning, listening, and giving and receiving feedback.

High Impact Teaching Teams

  • Build a collaborative coaching culture.
  • Boost existing collegial engagement.

Building Trust and Psychological Safety

  • Inspire, motivate, and empower others to achieve shared goals.
  • Apply emotional intelligence principles to increase contribution.

Leading Change and Strategic Implementation

  • Understanding organisational change and what it takes to influence individuals to go on the journey.
  • Helpful models and strategies to drive improvement initiatives.


Building Collective Efficacy

Dynamic Teacher Rounds

  • Promote peer-to-peer collaborative learning, reflective practice, and the sharing of best teaching strategies.

Teacher Leaders

  • Build knowledge and skills, qualities and create defined roles to influence collective efficacy.
  • Includes an Action Research Project.

Data Inquiry Action Research

  • Semester cycles
  • Data informed / teacher determined problem of practice

For Teachers By Teachers (Sharing best practice)

  • For Teachers By Teachers (Sharing best practice)
  • Thinking skills
  • Content SME’s – lesson design innovation.

Optimise Collegial Engagement

  • Refocus and realign existing processes.
  • Impact instruction


Beginning and Early Career Teachers

Cluster Workshops

  • Available as face-to-face programs, conference style, or a series of online sessions.
  • Student Engagement
  • Helpful Mindsets
  • Professional Conversations
  • Wellbeing, Resilience and Grit
  • Growing Self-Efficacy
  • Differentiation
  • Prioritisation and Time Management.

Teach Like a Champion

  • Globally recognised classroom practices – techniques and tools

Mentor Training Program

  • Key Capabilities
  • Giving Effective Feedback
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Difficult and Essential Conversations
  • Supporting Resilience

Hogan Personality Assessment recommended to support this cohort