Leading PLCs at Work Districtwide Plan Book

Leading PLCs at Work Districtwide Plan Book
Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide Plan Book

Author: Robert Eaker, Mike Hagadone, Janel Keating, Meagan Rhoades

Designed specifically for leaders, the Leading PLCs at Work® districtwide plan book offers tools and best practices for effective planning in a professional learning community (PLC), guiding leaders in identifying major tasks and completion dates to reach goals and optimise time and productivity. A companion resource to Leading PLCs at Work® districtwide: From boardroom to classroom, this plan book supports leaders in creating a culture of continuous improvement. By utilising the tools, templates and guidance found here, leaders will discover how to embed core values into the planning process so that educators at every level accomplish the right work, every day.

Leaders will:

* learn how to evaluate timelines to optimise time and productivity
* use a monthly calendar tool with space for management tasks and building tasks
* find weekly planner pages with entries for each day of the week
* implement self-reflection, project-planning and meeting-planning tools.

Published: 13th May 2022
ISBN: 9781760943660
Number Of Pages: 234
Discounted member price: 50.00
You could save 9.1%